Jun 17, 2010

Traditional vs. new media – Will women’s sports ever get equal coverage?

Very interesting article discussing the lack of coverage of women’s sports is lower than ever in 2009.
Traditional vs. New Media; Will Women's Sports ever get Equal Coverage?. The article is posted by Amanda Vandervort of Soccer Science.

Soccer Science,
The Neurotic Genius of Soccer in the Digital Age, takes a look at the technologies that are revolutionizing the way we see the beautiful game, from the personal perspective of Amanda Vandervort – former college coach, web geek and fan of professional soccer.

Do you feel the discrepancy in coverage is acceptable?

1 comment:

  1. Of course the discrepancy in coverage is not acceptable and after reading the article am very saddened by the numbers presented. I think the most shocking fact was the 100% of the shows surveyed started with a story on mens sports.

    I am probably more sensitive to this subject than most because I loved playing sports growing up and now have a daughter who loves playing soccer and basketball who is actually very talented and works extremely hard on a daily basis to make her dream of playing pro come true. From an early age, basically the time they start playing, girls work just as hard as boys and commit just as much so why is it that there is this discrepancy and it is so prevelant? why are female athletes not being paid as much as males and why are the stadiums so empty?

    We have come a long way in this country as far as equal opportunities go for men and women, from the work force to political positions. My only hope is that history will repeat itself in this situation and female athletes will one day get the respect and encouragement they deserve.

    I believe that a difference can be made if fans of sports possibly just take a look in the mirror. How hard would it be for you to show a little more interest or buy tickets to take your daughter to a game to support the female athletes or better yet, her?


Thanks for adding to the Virginia Online Soccer News discussion.